7 Benefits of Ketogenic Diet


The ketogenic diet forces the body to draw its energy from the fats that block The ketogenic diet makes the body use energy from the fats that stop the passage of good things in your blood. 

The process of breaking down these fats makes something called ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are the body’s second-biggest source of energy, after carbohydrates. The ketogenic effect can be good for people who have epilepsy, diabetes, and cancer. 

The long-term effects in adults are not known yet in the scientific study. The diet is not so popular because it’s hard to follow.

Explanations are needed

Glucose is stored in the liver and in the muscles in the form of glycogen. The glucose reserve is about 12 hours. 

Thus, in the absence of carbohydrate intake or a maximum of 5o g of glucose during 24 hours, as soon as the glucose reserves are exhausted, the body draws its energy from lipids, fat, to produce ketone bodies which will break down to provide a molecule, 

Acetyl CoA, an important source of energy for the brain and other tissues in need of sugar such as muscles and the heart.

Proven Benefits

Unlike a diet, it is a lifestyle that can be practiced from a few weeks to several months depending on the desired results (note that steatosis, the “fatty liver” disease that progresses at the same pace as the obesity epidemic, can be cured after three months by following a pro-keto diet). 

Hypercholesterolemia and pre-diabetes are also easily reversible. The weight loss observed at the beginning of the treatment is essentially linked to the loss of water, because each gram of carbohydrate is linked to 3 to 4 grams of water. The fat loss follows progressively and is naturally accelerated by physical exercise.

This way of eating allows you to “clean” your liver, the filter that protects your body from toxic substances.

Predictable Reactions

Following a pro-keto diet causes a decrease in appetite, which contributes to reducing the amount of food consumed. The first few days, within 48/72 hours, this work in the liver may cause nausea and fatigue. After 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the state of the person’s liver, the excessive production of ketone bodies may be manifested by acetone breath that resembles the smell of nail polish.

When The Liver Gets Clogged…

The liver is an omnipotent organ, which means that no function of the body can escape it, it controls everything. 

In all functional disorders, whether digestive, respiratory, circulatory, articular, hormonal, or metabolic, the liver is involved. In osteopathy, its impact is also explained on a mechanical level because of its weight and volume. 

It weighs about 1.5 kg, contains about 15% of the total volume of blood in the body during the day, and filters 1.5 liters per minute. Suspended under the diaphragm, it can exert tensile forces on the skeleton and compress the vessels that carry blood through the body.

A Trap For Medicine

In medicine, it is difficult to appreciate its proper functioning, because it has no sensory nerve fibers. Unlike a stomach or an intestine, it cannot manifest itself through pain. 

A blood test can reveal its dysfunction such as hypercholesterolemia, increase of its enzymes rate, gall bladder disorders… 

but in many cases, apart from symptomatic treatment to decrease the cholesterol rate or anti-inflammatory drugs, which sometimes cause other disorders, medicine remains helpless.

Only palpation can truly appreciate the degree of density of the liver.

Is Your Liver Functioning Well?

The global and systemic approach of osteopathy allows to establish the links between the different parts of the body and to appreciate the involvement of the liver. 

Manual pressure awakens the pain by stretching the capsule that surrounds it as well as the ligaments of fixity that are themselves innervated. One of them, a fibrous remnant of the embryonic umbilical vein, may explain the pain of the navel on palpation. 

The sensitivity of medical devices can only detect an overdensity of the liver when it is already fat, whereas it is possible to intervene much earlier.

7 Effects Of The Pro-keto Cure

  • Detoxification of the body
  • Feeling of satiety
  • Preservation of good fats and proteins
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Reduction of fats in the blood (hypercholesterolemia)
  • Reduction of sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia – diabetes)
  • Degreasing of the liver (fight against steatosis)

Compensating for Reactions

At the beginning of the cure, I advise to follow the following tips:

  • Take a complex of plants and vita-mines to strengthen the liver.
  • Consume about 100 g of berry fruits per day to avoid hypoglycemia.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day against dehydration.
  • Add fiber in your diet to avoid constipation.

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